pfc2018cONFERENCE has ended

Jaime Smith

Center for Employment Innovation
Executive Lead
Jaime Smith joined the Extension Department as the executive lead of the Centre for Employment Innovation in April 2017. Jaime has a rich volunteer and professional experience rooted in planning, participatory leadership, adult education, and community development. Jaime’s work spans multiple contexts such as compassionate activist, board director, small-business owner, and government employee. Jaime is empowered by her love of community and people. She is enthusiastic to work with Nova Scotians to explore and develop innovations in employment services.
Jaime is currently enrolled in the MAdEd (Community Development) program at St. Francis Xavier University, she holds a BDes (Honors in Planning) from the Nova Scotia College and Art and Design, and a BA (Environmental Studies) from Mount Allison University.